Gus J. Livaditis, DDS
Dr. Livaditis has been practicing the specialty of Prosthodontics in the Baltimore area for over 25 years.
Educational Background
Dr. Livaditis attended college (pre-dental) at Temple University and graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in Philadelphia, PA. Upon graduation, he participated in a general dentistry residency at Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, NY. Immediately after the residency, Dr Livaditis joined the faculty of the University of Maryland, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery as a full-time instructor. Shortly thereafter, Dr Livaditis returned to Temple University School of Dentistry for specialty training in Prosthodontics.
Patient Care & Private Practice Experience
Dr Livaditis has maintained a private practice for the treatment of patients throughout his career. Early in his career he treated patients on a part-time basis while he served as a full-time faculty member at the dental school of the University of Maryland. Approximately 25 years ago he committed to a full-time private practice and reduced his faculty position to a part-time basis. He currently maintains his primary practice serving the metropolitan Baltimore area. He also maintains a part-time extension office to serve the south-central Pennsylvania area.
Faculty Positions & Teaching Experience
Dr. Livaditis joined the faculty of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School of the University of Maryland as a full-time instructor in 1971. He has maintained his faculty position with varying commitments in timeas associate clinical professor until 2004.
Dr. Livaditis has presented several hundred lectures and seminars in the USA and internationally in the field of prosthodontics.
Research & Development
Dr Livaditis has always had an interest in clinical research and has committed time and resources to dental research.He has made significant contributions in restorative dentistry and prosthodontics.He has published numerous articles in prosthodontic journals and has lectured internationallyon the subject of prosthodontics and on his developments.